Saturday, April 11, 2009

Movie review – “Mars Needs Women” (1967) *

Classic bad movie which is heavy going at times but still has some bright moments of crap camp. Tommy Kirk was usually professional but looks spectacularly silly in his Martian outfit. He’s better once he changes into a suit to hang out with the humans but still looks doped out a fair bit of the time. The presence of Yvonne Craig has the female lead interest

One or two moments are reasonably effective – for instance when Kirk and Craig visit a planetarium about Mars and the machine conks out, and Kirk finishes the talk. It also makes no bones about the sexism that Craig’s character encounters, and the ending is not without emotion – Kirk deciding to abort the mission because it involves abducting girls, and falling in love with Craig.

However the bulk of the film is very ordinary. There is little actual action and the story is padded with things like stock footage, scenes of a football game and homecoming queen parade, and a strip club.

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