Saturday, March 14, 2009

Movie review – Rocky #6 - “Rocky Balboa” (2006) ***1/2

An unexpected delight – the heart sunk with the thought of Sly Stallone trying to rehash his most famous character but Sly, like Rocky, rose to the challenge. It was totally the right decision to kill Adrian – Rocky would have been content in retirement otherwise. Indeed, I was expecting him to die happy in the ring (a fate apparently considered for Rocky V) but they probably figured that would have been too depressing, not to mention wrecking the lives of the opposing boxer (who is a nice chap, the most sympathetic depiction of a Rocky opponent I think ever – he’s not even cocky like Apollo Creed) and the boxing commission.

It also would have sent a message “don’t box oldies” which is counter to the film’s actual message of “you’re never too old”. (The DVD has an alternate ending where Rocky actually wins the fight – far better to have him just go the distance like in the original film.)

A good hearted film – Sly has a lovely monologue to his son about not giving up, the platonic relationship with the broken down bar girl really works, even Burt Young is a bit warm and cuddly. They do set up this half-black son of the bar girl as a character but he doesn’t end up doing much.

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