Sunday, February 22, 2009

Movie review – “Zac and Miri Make a Porno” (2008) ****

Kevin Smith proves yet again that he’s learned his lessons from Jersey Girl – you can go commercial, but don’t leave your vision behind. So here we have a well-structured script, with sympathetic protagonists, etc, etc. and lots of warmth and romance but also Smith’s trademark swearwords and filthy humour. 

I thought it was wonderful, a foul mouthed comedy with a lot of heart. Elizabeth Banks is excellent in what is a growing long line of attractive female leads who can believably pull off the fact they find the dork hero lovable (Katherine Heigl, Catherine Keener, Drew Barrymore). 

Seth Rogen is the perfect Smith hero and Justin Long and Brandon Routh are hilarious – one of my only two grips is that these two didn’t reappear in the film. The other gripe was there didn’t really need to be a three month gap or whatever it is at the end. It could have happened a week or so later. But that doesn't explain why this wasn't a massive hit - buggered if I can figure it out, it should have been huge.

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