Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Movie review – Hardy #3 – “Judge Hardy’s Children” (1938) **1/2

A similar structure to the previous Hardy film: the Hardies go on a trip (in this case to Washington, where Judge has to do some work on a committee), and Andy and Marian get involved in adventures, Andy’s are of a comic amorous nature which involve a scene where he can jitterbug and Marian’s more serious which involves in her heart being broken. Again, Judge Hardy almost gets in major financial strife but gets out of it at the end. Mickey Rooney’s wooing of a French girl is fun, and it’s intriguing to see Marian essentially get a crush on a girl, the glamorous Ruth Hussey (who is only using her). The guy who plays Hussey’s friend (not husband) is Leo Penn, dad of Sean.

One of the fun things about the series was it paid attention to continuity – we see a reappearance of Marian’s engineer boyfriend/fiancee at the end. A new actor plays Aunt Milly, as she would for the next movie before Sara Haden returned, but Aunt Milly does hardly anything in either movie. Judge Hardy has a scene where he’s disappointed in Andy and takes Andy to the Washington monument, and it’s clear the poor old Judge has a major hard on for the first president.

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