Friday, October 31, 2008

Movie review – Saint #7 - “The Saint’s Vacation” (1941) **1/2

George Sanders was the main reason for seeing the Saint movies, but after five entries he quit and was replaced by someone called Hugh Sinclair. He’s very English. Actually all the film’s English – instead of comic wiseguys he’s got a silly ass sidekick

Perhaps to compensate for its unknown star there’s a scene at the beginning with a whole bunch of journalists trying to see him. The plot involves the Saint trying to take a vacation without them harassing him – was this a problem for the Saint?

Most of this plays like a British B picture – once you get used to Sinclair its actually alright, with a pretty female lead and Cecil Parker as the villain (he’s the guy who played the adulterous coward in The Lady Vanishes – and in line with that film the plot if about agents chasing after a top secret Macguffin on a train). There are some massive plot holes – baddies search the Saint for the macguffin but don’t bother looking through his luggage – but it’s focused and fast paced. Surprisingly enjoyable.

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