Friday, April 18, 2008

Movie review – “Cassandra’s Dream” (2008) **1/2

Woody Allen revitalised his career by switching to London and rehashing the plot for Crimes and Misdemeanours with Match Point; here he does the same thing again. Come on, Woody! At least he isn’t in it romancing someone young enough to be his daughter. Colin Farrell and Ewan McGregor are top actors and both have their moments, though they’re both up against that clunky modern day Woody style with awful dialogue and exposition. Emily Atwell impresses as yet another Woody slightly mad vixenish actress and Tom Wilkinson is great as a shady businessman. The moments leading up to the murder are suspenseful and parts of this are engrossing; also the quality of the cast is high and you never know how the story will end (and Philip Glass does the music). It’s still a bit flabby and unoriginal.

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