Friday, November 09, 2007

Movie review - "Deathproof" (2007) **

Its disconcerting when you realise a filmmaker doesn't appreciate his own strengths. Quentin Tarantino can write bright dialogue, but when his characters talk about nothing its only effective when something really important is going to happen, eg Pulp Fiction they chat about big kahuna burgers then go kill someone. He takes that to the nth degree with this film, which would have made a terrific 30 minute subject but has been expanded unmercifully to two hours. After a great opening sequence to the theme from Valley of the Giants it gets bogged down with around 40 minutes or so of a bunch of girls talking about going out and hanging at a bar and talking about a lap dance and drinking beer and listening to records and drinking beer and listening to more records and one of them sends a text, then gets a text then sends another text. Why include all this stuff Quentin?

It perks up for around five minutes when there's some car action. (Although even this is a bit mean - we've grown to like these girls. I mean one even gave Kurt Russell a lap dance). Then after a long chat from a detective that doesn't pay off there's another sequence with girls talking - they chat about old movies and who they're going out with and then talk about doing something with a car and they decide to do it then another girl wants to come along so they talk about doing it with her and blah blah blah. Then there's a terrific final car sequence. So there's bright spots just not a lot of them. This wouldn't have held up at 80 minutes either - please cut, Quentin!

I couldn't help feeling at times Quentin made the film to get laid or at least perv. Lots of hot chicks and plenty of shots and comments about feet and foot massages - and arses too. (No nudity, unlike 70s drive in fare). The actors are fine - Zoe Bell is a bit of a star but the others are good too and Kurt Russell is excellent value.

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