Friday, October 26, 2007

Movie review - Elvis #28 - "Live a Little Love a Little" (1968) **

The swinging 60s infiltrated even Elvis movies - he wears what looks to be mascara and Norman Taurog's direction throws in a few New Wave-esque freeze frames. Confused story with Elvis losing his job and going to work as a photographer for an ad agency and a girlie magazine. And the stakes are? (Micki and Maude a person had to live two lives for strong reasons - not here.) Why didn't they spend a little time and effort on these stories?

Michelle Carey is one of Elvis' better co-stars - her sing song voice does get on the nerves every now and then but she's very fresh and pretty. It is a bit more adult - Elvis and she go to bed together, and he is a photographer for a girlie magazine. And the film features two very strong songs, 'A Little Less Conversation' and 'Edge of Reality'. But its generally a weak and lazy film with that pathetic paper thin story.

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