Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Movie review - "Sliding Doors" (1997) ***

A terrific idea, very well executed - high concept, an emerging star,low budget, very commercial... why did it take so long for this to get funded? Its amazing. I know girls who just watch this again and again -I'm not that into it, it's a bit too rote (the lead loses her boyfriend/job/apartment all in the same day; she has a wisecracking,devoted but not-as-pretty best friend; she works in PR; two spunky boys chase after her, the nicest of one whom has a good job) but there is something undeniably appealing about the central idea ("what if...").John Lynch has a great character - a Lothario who is a bit hopeless and useless, just likes to sponge off his women and can never make up his mind, a far more accurate depiction of what lady killers are like rather than the smooth talking suave Bond figure of popular myth. Neither Lynch nor John Hannah are exactly film stars but Gwyneth Paltrow is and her English accent is convincing.

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