Saturday, February 24, 2007

Play review - "The Three Sisters" by Chekov

I've finally figured it out with me and Chekov plays - read them twice. That way, I can get over all those Russian names and confusion about who is who and what they do and how they are related, and the slight plots (the big reason I think why Chekov's never been as popular as Shakespeare) and visions of actresses standing in drawing rooms with 1900s Russian outfits and concentrate on the wonderful characters, insights into the human condition, perennial questions about where we are and what we are doing. Some of it is so beautiful - funny/sad (more sad - I know Chekov thought he was writing comedies but I don't think so). Many memorable characters: irritating smug mum Natasha, last chance Masha, the dopey school teacher who gives people his boring self published books as a present, the under-achieveing brother. Dont' let bad student presentations put you off (he said to himself).

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