Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Movie review - The Black Dahlia (2006) **

James Ellroy isn’t the easiest writer to adapt but LA Confidential proved it can be done – that was superior in every way to this effort, which botches an atmospheric tale despite the talent of people involved. LA Confidential had vivid characters and a plot that, while tricky, could be followed – this should have both those things but has neither.

Casting doesn’t help – Josh Harnett is way too vanilla and lightweight for his role (crying out for Bob Mitchum, or a young Russell Crowe or even Heath Ledger); ditto Scarlett Johansen – the two of them seem like kids in a high school play. Even Hilary Swank falters, too, though she’s a bit better; Aaron Eckhardt is better as well, though his descent into obsession is poorly developed. 

There are far too many shots of people smoking (it just gets irritating) and people wear costumes and hairstyles like they’re costumes not clothes. Brian de Palma’s films often have a slightly operatic, non-realistic touch - sometimes it works, here it doesn’t. 

The supporting actors do not save the day, and many scenes are awfully staged (like the final denouement). The film looks handsome, there is some well staged action and a creepy sequence where Hartnett finds the murder sight. But the film is a bit of a mess and a big disappointment.

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