Sunday, November 26, 2006

Movie review - Corman #16 - "Sorority Girl" (1957) **

In the late 1950s Roger Corman was found directing "women stories" as much as sagas about aliens from outer space. This brisk number is about a bitchy college student (Susan Cabot) who causes trouble at a sorority, being mean and causing blackmail. Thing is, the bitch is a three dimensional character - not simply evil, but because she comes from a rich unloving family, is excluded and unpopular (the fact that Cabot looks older than the others contributes to this). She wrecks a bit of havoc, not as much as you'd like - slaps around one girl, encourages another to blackmail a person into thinking he's the father of her baby - but in its way the film was a bit of a trend setter, it was years before Heathers. Unfortunately its a man at the end who saves the day (Dick Miller as a student politician). Strong performance from Cabot and decent support from others; runs a little over an hour.

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