Friday, July 21, 2006

Movie review - "The Leopard Man" (1943) **1/2

Minor Val Lewton but still watchable. A press agent uses a leopard during a nightclub act (smart move - and he's supposed to be the hero); the leopard escapes and people wind up dying. Some effective moments - the murder of the girl, a killing in a cemetry (they love that wind machine). You can't escape the feeling it's something thrown together by intelligent people. 

Some interesting chats about fate and what not; the two leads have some intense emoting to do which works quite well but it doesn't change the fact at least one death was really their fault and they're not very sympathetic.. 

It is set in New Mexico, and the film emphasises the multicultural side of things which gives it freshness. But it's not much of a story.

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