Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Movie review - "The World's Fastest Indian" (2006) ***

A bit of a mess but the most sheerly likable film in a long while. I saw it in a cinema where the audience consisted almost entirely of 60 year old couples - half men! Don't underestimate the retiree audience This film will be especially loved by 60 something blokes who muck around in sheds, have prostate problems and are cranky at people writing them off. For that's what Bart Munro (Anthony Hopkins) was while building the motor cycle that broke the land speed record. Munro is still chipper enough to charm two women into bed and also charm plenty of strangers in America - a transvestite, customs officials, racing officials. Some people are snappy at him but generally people are nice and helpful, which helps make this a nice film. Munro is deaf so there are a lot of dialogue lines where people repeat what they say to him, which is a little tiring.

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