Sunday, April 30, 2006

Book review - "Samuel L Jackson" biography

Decent bio of the actor whose unexpected rise to fame was one of the delights of movie going in the 1990s. Sam Jackson was in his 40s with a long career ons stage and a major drug addiciton behind him when he made an impact as a movie star. Well, he's kind of a movie star - I kept thinking of actors like Robert Ryan, that category star... not really box office, but certainly attractive to audiences. This doesn't seem to be taken into account by Jackson who is always complaining about not earning as much money as white co-stars - which in some cases is fair enough but he's not the audience guarantee say a Denzel or Eddie Murphy is. He also whines a bit too much about missing out on Oscars. Everyone misses out on Oscars, Sam! I still found this engrossing reading. Jackson's battles over his addictions are inspiring, as is his career. Even non black actors will find his career and late stardom a tonic.

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