Monday, March 20, 2006

Movie review - "The Life and Death of Peter Sellers" (2002) ***1/2

Sellers was a fascinating guy and Geoffrey Rush delivers a bravaura performance. Rush doesn't look like him, but is probably the only actor in the world who could have done such a fine job. Sellers is correctly portrayed as a fair nutcase, a very talented nutcase.
The little additions like Sellars talking to the camera is OK - the swooping camerawork at the beginning is annoying but this calms down. Mariam Margoyles plays Sellars' mum - listen to the wonderful elocution of her and rush in their scenes together.
John Lithgow and Stanley Tucci are fine as Blake Edwards and Stanley Kubrick respectively. Charlize Therzon is pretty and shows a bit of skin as Britt Ekland.

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