Thursday, May 23, 2024

Movie review - "Vendetta" (1986) ** (warning: spoilers)

 This revenge drama is quite well done. It has a silly premise - woman gets herself convicted of crime deliberately to investigate death of her sister in that prison (what if they'd sent her to another prison?) - but completely commits. The prison is a hilariously over the top hellscape where the new fish is harassed and the burly gang leader (Sandy Martin, terrific and completely committing) is hassling her straight away. There's nude showers and stabbings.

I think the film might've been more fun set in the Philippines - it's set in America. It's a big chance for lead Karen Chase who I think is a stunt performer normally. She's believably physical but not that great in the fight scenes. The movie might've been better using a female martial artist champion or something. I did like the action though - enjoyably brutal and hard core. And the production values. I assume the budget was low but it doesn't feel it.

I did like that time was given to sketch support charactders - Chase's cellmate, a drug addict prisoner, Martin's sidekicks, the sleazy warden, the sleazy guard, a nice guard (Roberta Collins who was in a few movies from Chroma III around this time - she gives an adequate performance, not up there with her 70s splendour - she's a bit expressionless - but it's fun to see her).

The character of the boyfriend is underutilised. He just sort of hangs around. It would've been nice if he was part of the villainous gang maybe - like he arranged for Martin to attack the sister or soemthing. The film could've done with a third act twist - we know who did it, Chase figures it out quite quickly, and kills them off one by one. It's very linear. I expected Collins to turn on Chase but that doesn't happen either.

Still, quite solidly done.Director Bruce Lyon tried to make a good movie and it shows.

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