Saturday, May 11, 2024

Book review - "When the Light Goes" by Larry McMurtry (2007) (warning: spoilers)

 Oh, Larry... He obviously had so much fun writing Duane's Depressed that he cranked out this sequel, which picks up very soon after the events of that last book. Duane is a little sad but in a case of wish fulfilment his lesbian shrink now wants to root him (they kill of her partner) and teaches him good sex, and another young woman with pointy nipples decides she wants to root him/marry him/have him educate her how to love. McMurtry fridges Ruth Popper but not before she slags off the love making abilities of Sonny - which isn't that consistent with Last Picture Show but gosh McMurtry really came to hate Sonny. Oh and Duane has a big dick, McMurtry makes sure we know that.

Look, I enjoyed the book actually, read it straight through very quickly. It's just a little silly. Only for fans.

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