Sunday, May 05, 2024

Book review - "Duane's Depressed" by Larry McMurtry (1999) (warning: spoilers)

 McMurtry really liked this novel I think because he identified with Duane so much. Sonny is barely in it - he's live, just decaying - while he's killed off Jacey which seems a little mean. Was this because McMurtry had fights with Tim Bottoms and/or Cybill Shepherd?

So we've got Karla and also Duane, who is still handsome and seems to have money after Texasvill and is admired, who has a little melt down, goes walking a lot one day and moves into a cabin. He sees a shrink. The novel goes into his head a lot. The second act twist is they kill Karla and the contrast between the depressions is well done and takes on another dimension.

It is a satisfying read, very internal - hard to film. Duane's kids and grandkids are ciphers as are most of the town. Ruth is in it going blind, Sonny dies unmemorably. But the internal stuff is strong and I was moved by the end with Duane reading Proust and finally going overseas after he's cried about his dad because McMurtry is so clearly into it.

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