Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Movie review - "The Destroyer" (1986) **

 Richard Hill and Katt Shea from Deathstalker are reunited in another Corman financed film from the same director, only this one is set in present day. He's a Vietnam vet - his old commanding officer is killed in a small town by some baddies who beat up Hill who then get his old comrades together to kick ass. 

Some interesting characters are set up among the ex soldiers but not much is done with them (burly idiot, driven guy, sort of rich guy).

Shea and Hill have one of thse awkwardly shot sex scenes like we saw in Ciro Santiago's Cocaine Wars.

I didn't mind the film. It looked as though it had some budget and there were lots of explosions. I wish - as I so often do with these 80s Concorde movies - that a little more time was spent on the characters. Just a little more. It would've made the action stuff mean more.

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