Sunday, May 26, 2024

Movie review - "Island of Lost Souls" (1932) ***1/2 (re-watching)

 Saw it again on big screen. Great production design. Wonderful to see a horror film with a decent budget. Thought put in to creatures. Charles Laughton terrific. Bela Lugosi fun although role is small. He could've played Moreau - but any other part would've thrown out the film.

Richard Arlen is fine, but it doesn't really matter. I like how his girlfriend went to find him.

Story issue - I think Laughton should have put Arlen in prison when the girlfriend arrived it made no sense to let Arlen walk around as he could have told the girlfriend and escaped. He could've just said "oh Arlen's on the other side of the island" and trapped the woman, and the doctor could have let out Arlen then the rest could've played.

Full on in many ways - screaming on the operating table, interspecies sex.

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