Monday, May 20, 2024

Movie review - "Cocaine Wars" (1985) **

 Roger Corman south of the border in Argentina - which gives this film decent production values. It feels like it's in South America because it, well, is - polo matches, old colonial towns, winding roads, jungles.

It's a silly undercover DEA agent working for drug dealers story - silly because the undercover agent struts around drawing attention to himself. But that is part of the film's charm - John Schneider from Dukes of Hazzard running around with a moustache and longish hair, constantly smoking, acting like the toughest guy on the bloke. It's so sweet - he's having such fun.

There's familiar characters - feisty reporter, drug tycoon, corrupt general - plus some wilder ones, like two exiled Germans I think.

There's some action, a Commando style finale, an awkward sex scene, odd car chases. It's very rough but has pace. Royal Dano is in it as a drunk.

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