Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Movie review - "Moonshine County Express" (1976) ***

 I really liked this. A little more buttoned up that other New World films - there's not much nudity or sex for instance - but director Gus Trinikos has tried to make a good movie, and he's succeeded. Action moves along at a fast clip, there's some really good actors, spectacular women.

John Saxon is the nominal star - he's a little old but brings B level gravitas. however the lead role is really Susan Howard, who looked vaguely familiar - she was on Dallas and has a Dallas vibe but there's nothing wrong with that. She's beautiful, strong and can act, believably physical.

It's a three girls movie in a way -the story of three sisters whose pa (Jeff Corey) is killed by baddies, forcing the gals to sell moonshine. Claudie Jennings is perfect as Howard's sister - I wish she'd had more of a subplot. Still he's got more screentime than Maureen McCormick, old Marcia Brady herself, who is the youngest sister and just sort of hangs out. She really needed to be killed for the third act. Maybe that was a the plan but they couldn't bring themselves to do it. Be killed or turn traitor or something.

Candice Rialson has a small role as a cheerful trashy girl who pops up in some scenes. She's typically lively more so than McCormick I wish they'd swapped roles.

Cast is tops for New World. William Conrad is a villain, Saxon, Howard, Jennings, Rialson. Strong atmosphere. Pacey cars stuff.

Maureen McCormick writes entertainingly about the shoot - doing coke with Claudia who became a mate, Claudia shagging Gary Graver who impressed them working with Orson Welles.

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