Saturday, May 11, 2024

Book review - "Rebel Rising" by Rebel Wilson

 She has the courage of her convictions. The book explains a lot. A slightly dodgy dad (gambling) obsessed with status. A mum who acts as if everything is fine all the time. The constant list of achievements - property owned, fees earned ($10 million for Pitch Perfect 3), likes on Instagram, views on Netflix, perks at Disneyland, trips to exotic resorts.

She hypes her poverty in LA, but everyone in LA has log cabin fever, i.e. telling stories as if they were born in a log cabin and overcame incredible obstacles. The omits a lot of stuff (not a lot of discussion about Anna Kendrick) but everyone does that in their memoirs.

The best bits are when Rebel encounters tough opposition. The chapter on Sacha Baron Cohen is terrific, and also the stuff about her exploring her sexuality, but also the chapter on making The Wedge where the boorish behaviours of the producers is all too believable. Good on her for admitting she lost her virginity at 35 (I think it helps to start rooting when you're a millionaire film star). All the hot guys she slams seem to have addiction issues.

She's an odd duck but the book explains why, I think.

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