Saturday, May 11, 2024

Movie review - "Night Call Nurses" (1972) *** (re-watching)

 The three leads interconnect here more than others in the series. They're all beautiful and can act, and look different so it's easy to tell them apart (even though their characters aren't as strong differentiated as in say The Student Nurses ).

I appreciate the non linear editing and the sex scenes are well done. Patti Byrne has the most interesting subplot, hooking up with the creepy sex cult leader shrink Clint Kimborough.

Alana Hamilton (as she became) goes with a boorish truck driver - she's lovely maybe it's chemistry with the guy. (When they're in the shower together she doesn't seem to be having fun.)

There's some padding - scenes like sky diving and water skiing, and some painful vaudeville schtick.  The mystery of the stalker isn't bad, and there's some political statement (digs at drug companies)

It's actually better plotted than most of the other movies because the stories kind of dovetail - Alana's speedy trucker helps Mittie Lawrence's militant boyfriend escape.

The film gleefully throws in some tropes - cross dressing psycho crazy (Dennis Dugan), busting a militant out of hospital and brutal shoot out and the mind twisting shrink. Dick Miller is very effective as a lonely yet creepy guy who gives Byrne a lift.

Byrne should have had a bigger career.

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