Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Movie review - "Unholy Rollers" (1972) **1/2 (re-watching)

 AIP's unsuccessful attempt to cash in on Kansas City Bomber - unsuccessful because it came out late. Also it lacks a really cohesive story - it's a collection of incidents and moments. Why didn't they just do the build up to the big game?

Anyway some of those incidents are memorable like Claudia Jennings confronting spectators while naked in a bar and Jennings doing a strip scene in the roller derby with a guy she's too hot for.

Roberta Collins is in this though her part isn't very big. She seems like an athlete as does Jennings who looks spectacular. I think her voice is dubbed. I could be wrong.

Some fun stuff here. A potentially really good movie with a bit of heart and sexiness. I think they couldn't quite crack the script or the male interest.

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