Friday, June 05, 2020

Movie review - "Fatty Finn " (1980) ***

Loved this as a kid. Not as good as in my memory but still much to admire. Bright colours. Period detail. (Glebe was used.) Decent script. I loved the cricket references. Episodic but linked with a narrative - Fatty consistently gets ahead and falls back.

Ben Oxenbould is ideal, as are his mates. The kid who plays Bruiser isn't as strong. Enjoyable turns from Noni Hazelhurst, Bert Newton, Gerard Kennedy, Lorraine Bayley - although the biggest adult part is the cop.

There's a scene where Oxenbould meets Robert Hughes - and I did worry about Hughes running loose on that set.

Fatty's dad is a deadbeat, as is Tiger's - some to think of it so was Smiley in the Smiley movies. Something about Oz kids films.

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