Saturday, June 13, 2020

Movie review - "All at Sea" (1977) *

Grundys attempted to make an Australian Carry On movie for TV - maybe it would have done better as a feature with more nudity (though there is some eg Abigail).

It has to be seen to be believed. Achingly unfunny. The sheer fact is exists gives it some fascination, especially with the cast that includes Noel Ferrier. Stuart Wagstaff, Abigail, Joy Chambers, Megan Williams (in a bikini in one scene), Mike Preston, Cornelia Frances.

Cornelia Frances as a woman whose sexual energy is unleashed is funny. Williams looks lovely.  Wagstaff is under utilised. The rest simply have poor material.

It looks cheap, like it was shot in Sydney motel - which it was, apparently.

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