Saturday, June 06, 2020

Movie review "27A" (1974) **1/2

I feel it was a TV movie more than a feature but good on them for doing something this uncompromising. It feels, smells and looks so real, the low budget is artfully used. It benefits considerably from Robert McDarra in the lead - only in his forties, alcohol killing him.

The film is was most reminiscent of was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with a patient being tormented by an orderly - in this case Bill Hunter. Richard Moir pops up as a patient. The film would have been better had it gotten more into other patients-  like the aboriginals who made up a great portion of the population (such as Eddie Gilbert the cricketer).

The story as is is a little repetitive. McDarra escapes. Doesn't do much - goes on a bender, Sees a crummy show. Goes back in. It's hard to get too upset that the government had the power to retain him indefinitely when we see what he does when he gets free is scrounge money and drink.

But a wonderful central performance, I like that the doctor was sympathetic and not evil, some memorable faces among the support cast. The movie has an atmosphere.

This is the sort of movie that I had to force myself to watch - I've been meaning to see it for years but never got around to it - and am glad I did.

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