Saturday, June 06, 2020

Movie review - "Dogs in Space" (1987) ***1/2 (warning: spoilers)

The sort of movie I once disliked because of its ambling narrative and the fact it glamorises the too cool for school brigade (the late seventies punk scene in Melbourne wasn't that influential, was it?), but as time goes on I guess I've mellowed, and it does really capture a time and place.

Michael Hutchence is effective even though he doesn't do that much apart from show his shaggy hair; Saskia Post does most of the heavy lifting - she's lovely and her death packs a real wallop.

Lots of effective moments, which is good since it's a film of moments - watching Countdown, Gary Foley and the feminist yelling at a party, Chris Haywood rabbiting on, the nerd trying to study (I liked this plot it grounded the story). Michelle Bennett, later producer and then a friend of Hutchence, pops up as a casual pick up - she's stunning.

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