Monday, June 03, 2024

Script review - "The Big Chill" by Lawrence Kasdan and Barbara Benedeck

 At one stage this film was a Big Deal. The Soundtrack sold like gangbusters. Became a short hand - a Big Chill type gathering. Didn't invent the format. Return of the Secauscus Seven. But also plays.

It's like a play. Kasdan and Benedeck keep it visual in a way - a funeral, a visit to a bar, chasing bats, differnent rooms, sex.

The dynamic of the friends is worked out well. I'll use character names:

- William Hurt - one of best characters. Flashy role. Drug addict, dealer. Doomed, Funny, Impotent. How is being with Meg Tilly going to make him better.

- Meg Tilly. Bad character on page and screen. Just dull. I know why she's there.

- Jeff Goldblum. Terrific character. I like how Mary Kay Place went out with him but it ended badly and no one really likes him and he's a vulture but funny. He felt real.

- Glenn Close and Kevin Kline. Decent people. Some adultery. They work. Grounded centre.

- Tom Berenger. Funny. Poor little rich guy. Radical, though? No one is really radical. Danny Peary thought they old out but I get the sense they were all middle class.

- JoBeth Williams. Very believable. The love for Berenger. Her essential mediocrity. 

The Big difference the script has... a flashback to the characters in 1972. Not in the film. Way too late to bring into the film. But what this does flesh out is:

* the toxic romantic relationship between Jo beth Williams and William Hurt and William Hurt and Mary Kay Place

* Tom Berenger's radicalism

Interesting. But even on the page - I'm trying not to be smart here - it didn't work.

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