Friday, June 21, 2024

Donald Sutherland and Australia

Donnie was a Canadian, who are like Aussie cousins, so I thought there would be a few links and I was right.
1) Bear Island (1979) - Canadian Sutherland often returned home to make movies so it was fitting he starred in this, Canada's most expensive film made til that time, from a novel by Alistair Maclean... directed by Aussie Don Sharp. (Film isn't bad, not as good as the book, too many parkas).
2) Six Degrees of Separation (1994) - Donald Sutherland had, unlike Elliot Gould, a knack of consistently picking outstanding roles after the 70s. This was one, terrific film, directed by Australia's own Fred Schepesci.
3) Don't Look Now (1973) - this film, with yes its famous sex scene, was edited by Aussie Graeme Clifford.
4) Fools Gold (2008) - treasure hunt adventure film with Sutherland in one of his colourful support roles - shot in various spots in Queensland.
5) Cold Mountain (2003) - Donald Sutherland played a lot of dads and in this one, a film which no one much remembers any more, he was father to Nicole Kidman
6) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1991) - he was in the original Buffy! V loose Aussie connection - the Divynyls 'Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart Any more' is on the soundtrack but I remember seeing it at the cinema and being v excited when I heard it in the film
7) The Kentucy Fried Movie (1977) - Sutherland has a small part in this comedy as does Australia's own George Lazenby - both in the same bit "That's Armaggedon"
8 ) Uprising (2001) - TV film about th Warsaw Ghetto Uprising where Sutherland appears opposite Australia's own Radha Mitchell
9) Court Martial (1966) - British TV series with American stars - Sutherland appeared in an epiosode opposite Aussie Kenneth J Warren
10) Donnie Sutherland - hosted 'Sounds' - not Donald Sutherland

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