Saturday, June 22, 2024

Movie review - "Otto by Otto" (2024) ***1/2

 Moving, well done doco about Barry Otto from his daughter Gracie. I met Barry once or twice - he was off with the pixies then as his own family admit in the doco so his dementia was hard to pick up... although it was notable that he struggled with a script. 

I was really moved by this - in part because he reminded me of my grandmother, one foot in fantasy land, house full of crap, painting, eventually second foot goes off with dream land. 

Lovely for Brisbane people too to see the artistic community of Twelfth Night. His wife (second) helped set up the Nimrod but gave it up to be a parent... there is more story to be told there.

Appearances (or, rather, vocals) from people like John Bell, Gillian Armstrong (who does have to stop staying Australian stories started to be written in the 70s), Baz L, Cate Blanchett. A Bob Ellis review quoted. Excellent home movie footage and fascinating glimpses of Nimrod, Belvoir etc.

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