Thursday, June 27, 2024

Movie review - "Lords of the Deep" (1989) *1/2 (warning: spoilers)

 Roger Corman's attempt to hop on the late 80s "deep sea" craze is another version of Alien with a small group of people on a vessel and something lurking. You never feel like you're underwater. The cast all seem wrong, a bit off. Bradford Dillman once gave a good performance for Corman in Piranha but here is silly. The support cast all seem off. There's someone from Three's Company  in it, some dude with a silly moustache. The blocking and pacing are poor.

It's just so medicore. Cheap looking monster. Silly ending (most of them live).

The one big novelty is that Corman has a speaking role as a corporate type. Good on him.

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