Saturday, June 29, 2024

Movie review - "No Hard Feelings" (2023) ***1/2

 An old fashioned star vehicle with a modern twist - Jennifer Lawrence goes balls to the wall as a hot mess who takes money to seduce a gawky 19 year old courtesy of his rich parents. I'm not sure it would work with any other star with her combination of vulnerability, craziness, sexiness, and whole hearted commitment. Andrew Bath Feldman is an excellent co star and the support is very good but really this is the Lawrence show and that's just the way it should be.

More might've been made of class issues - I mean, the guy is an only child of rich parents he's never going to worry about money, and he might've been more grateful that Lawrence was going to spend time with him. Also the final stunt at the end was a little silly. But in general I liked this.

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