Saturday, May 20, 2023

Nat Cohen slate at EMI in 1975

In July 1975 Nat Cohen announced he would make a slate of eleven movies worth £6 million.  Let's look at them:

* Aces High - Journey's end in planes

* Evil Under the Sun from novel by Agatha Christie

* Sergeant Steiner (later Cross of Iron) from Sam Peckinpah

*Seven Days in Japan

* To the Devil a Daughter from Hammer

* The Sweeney

* The Likely Lads

* a remake of Kind Hearts and Coronets with Dick Emery (never made)

* The Nat King Cole Story (never made)

* Spanish Fly 

* All Things Bright and Beautiful (later It Shouldn’t Happen to a Vet)

My thoughts on this... good solid slate. TV spin offs yes. Ditto All Creatures sequel - Nat King Cole Story. Spanish Fly yes. Hammer horror film yes. Peckinpah war film - yes.

Remake of King Hearts... hmmm.... maybe. Risky. Not sure that should be remade. Another Dick Emery film sure. Maybe not remake it. Not enough reason.

Seven Days in Japan... well... yeah I would've backed Lewis Gilbert. Very good track record.

Aces High... hmm... I actually think not. Journey End in planes... not a great idea. Just do Journey's End in the trenches. Needed bigger stars for an expensive film.

He didn't have a break out hit. The Agatha Christie didn't happen for a few years later - became Death on the Nile.

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