Sunday, May 28, 2023

Book review - "The Rest of the Story: A Life Completed" by Arthur Laurents

 Fascinating memoir. Sequel to his autobiography Original Story By, the gossipy, harsh, entertaining sex obsessed account of his life. This was written right up to just before Laurents died. This prose is still fresh and vigorous,. Odd sort of book (understandably). It's mostly a love poem to Laurents' partner of fifty years, the great love of his life (they did have an open relationship but it worked - it helped too he made a fortune in real estate so Laurents always had cash). Sometimes it's like a primal scream of loneliness. Fascinating.

Also talks about friendships, including Sondheim (once devoted then strong). Mentions Mary Rodgers. Devotes a whole chapter to a hit piece on him - this one. Sections on directing revivals of Gypsy and West Side Story. No mention of Lin Manuel Miranda. Depictions of Jerry Robbins, Herbert Ross, Lena Horne, Streisand (who was going to do a film of Gypsy  - alas, still hasn't been done). Says he's less bitter more about love but the teeth are still there. Remarkable, odd work. I really enjoyed it.

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