Saturday, May 13, 2023

Movie review - "The Lost City" (2022) **

 I love the concept and the stars and the support cast, was in the mood for a Romancing the Stone throwback but the film didn't quite seem tow woek. Do cover models really go on tour with authors? It feels like there were studio notes to introduce everyone early - Dan Radcliffe, Channing Tatum, Brad Pitt. So there's no time to get to know characters.

Sandra Bullock, an all time great star, has no character to play - what's her angle? Bitter? Romantic? Tired of love? Warm? Her plastic surgery is annoying and she has nil chemistry with Tatum who also has no character to play. A bit snaggy, bit dumb... Why not just make it simple - have her sick of love, cynical about it, have him as a romantic. Or something else. Pick a lane!

Radcliffe is fine. The film lacks a Danny de Vito. People try. Underwhelming action sequences too much CGI. No life, no energy. Some pretty scenery and clever treasure twists. But it misses.

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