Friday, October 04, 2024

Book review - "The Late Child" by Larry McMurtry (warning: spoilers)

 Sequel to The Desert Rose gets off to a great, if dark, start  with Harmony discovering her daughter Pepper has died, and Harmoney's boyfriend taking off. But after that McMurtry doesn't have any place to go - he bring in Harmony's sisters who chat away (one is a sex addict which does provide some comedy) and Harmony has a young child a cute kid and they wind up in New York and meet some uninteresting characters - some Arabs, a prostitute, her pimp, a dog. There's a plot where the dog falls off the Statue of Liberty and lives and the son and dog become celebrities, and the daughter died of AIDS from straight sex, and then they all go back to Oklahoma and the New York characters leave and Harmony's other family comes in, mum and dad and it's all mum's fault because she's a bitch. It goes on and on.

I liked Harmony because of her resilience but this felt like a lazy book, McMurtry pushing out five pages a day and not revising it. I was relieved when it ended.

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