Friday, January 07, 2022

Movie review - "Sing You Sinners" (1938) **

 A sort of drama with music though not really a musical. It's got a great central situation: three brothers play in a band but sensible brother Fred MacMurray wants to focus on being a mechanic and irresponsible gambler brother Bing Crosby dreams of a big payday and the youngest brother Donald O'Connor (in his first proper movie role) worships Crosby. Both MacMurray and Crosby love the same girl, lovely Ellen Drew (who is always good).

The second half things get bogged down with Crosby buying a horse and they drop the musical stuff. There's a lot of horse related material - O'Connor as a jockey. They lose Ellen Drew. THen there's numbers at the end.

This is a good film inside here struggling to get out.

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