Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Movie review - "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" (2014) *** (warning: spoilers)

Solid installment to the Marvel series with plenty of decent actors and action, and a treatment that is respectful with some sparky dialogue. I'm getting annoyed at how the films are starting to feel like expensive episodes of a TV show though. When Nick Fury died I thought "oh great, this is that movie's special thing" but then they bring Fury back to life. When America flirted with Black Widow I thought "okay we're doing a romance here" but they don't. When America finds out the main baddy is his old mate I thought "okay that's going to be the big emotional heart" - but the guy lives. They keep lowering the stakes and it's annoying.

Annoying too how the film tries to make some comment about giving up our freedoms in the name of security is bad - but these films always endorse the Jedi Knight-hood of super heroes, as if that's somehow a morally superior peace keeping mechanism.

The script skillfull cribs from Three Days of the Condor and the like and I enjoyed seeing Robert Redford whore himself for a few scheckels. It's all slick and well made I just wish the films would mean more as a stand alone item.

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