Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Movie review - "Piccadilly Incident" (1946) **1/2

Easy to mock but at the time people were getting married after knowing each other for two seconds, and being separated for long periods of time, and winding up on desert islands, and marrying other people. Lots of obsession with illegitimate children - that's what makes Anna Neagle give up Michael Wilding even though they love each other and gives this movie a weird coda from a judge. They are reunited but then she is killed by a dramatically convenient bomb. Anna does a big production number and gets to emote all over the place - flirting, being in love, washed up on a desert island, fending off a near rape from a horny sailor, sobbing a la Greer Garson in Random Harvest. Colour would have helped this one because of the island sequences - but maybe that would have made life on the island too attractive. Wilding's cool likeable aristocracy pairs well with Neagle and this helped establish them as a potent box office combination.

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